The MESH Project is a student-led initiative that gives students a chance to publish written work in a safe and professional environment.
To say COVID-19 changed the classroom would be an understatement. For students across the globe, the pandemic signified a time of silence and inaction as student newspapers, advocacy groups, and academic clubs fell by the wayside; the school-attending youth of the world in effect lost their voices.
The MESH Project aims to provide these silenced students an opportunity to regain their passion—their voice. Any academic work or passion project, whether it be an exposure to the intricacies of the healthcare industry or a deep dive into the production of The Bachelor will be welcomed and added to our collection. Past simply acting as a publishing site, The MESH Project takes pride in its willingness to read and provide feedback to any works submitted. We, too, are students and share in the struggle of finding a way to grow in our writing without the presence of constructive criticism. Submitting to our project guarantees a way to both share your voice and grow in the process.
To submit work to the MESH Project, use this link
To submit feedback on published pieces, use this link