Themes: Habits, destiny, time, actions, experiences, personality, repetitions, building and breaking habits, long term habits, stopping bad habits
Buy it on Amazon: Better than Before
Link to the author's website: Gretchen Rubin
Link to the author's post about her book: About the Book
This post is a book summary that mainly includes the most important quotes from the book as well as my own notes and thoughts.
"Habits eliminate the need for self-control. Consistency, repetition, NO decision"
"Our habits are our destiny"
"The more we push, the more a person may resist. I can't convince people, they must convince themselves, and the more I push, the more I may inflame opposition."
"Every time you break the law you pay, and every time you obey the law you pay"
"Every action, every habit, has its consequences"
"To what end do I pursue this habit?"
Identifying who you are, your personality, and how you work is fundamental to building the best habits that match you.
Eg."I am a marathoner (do things in advance), and under buyer, a simplistic, a novelty, and a promotion focus (who likes to focus on positive thoughts). This is a personal note for me
"We don't make ourselves more creative and productive by copying other people's habits, even the habits of geniuses, we must know our own nature, and what habits serve us best"
"If you want (something) to count in our lives, we should figure out a way to count it"
"We manage what we monitor"
"How we schedule our days is how we spend our lives"
"Tell me with whom you consort and I will tell you who you are; if I know how you spend your time, then I know what might become of you"
"Nothing is more exhausting than the task that's never been started, and strangely, starting is often far harder than continuing"
"Habits creation thanks to a fresh start"
"It is easier to give up something altogether than to indulge moderately"
"My habits had to reflect my values"
"Make if (something that you HAVE to do) then (something that you would like to do) planning"
e.g. if I finished my essay, then I will watch my Netflix
"Self-encouragement is better than self-blame"
"The conduct of our lives is the true reflection of our thoughts"
"Once we stop we must start over, and starting over is harder than continuing"
"Continous progress is the opposite of a finish line"
"In the strategy of pairing, I couple two activities, one that I need or want to do, and one that I don't particularly want to do, to get myself to accomplish them both. It's not a reward, it's not a treat, it's just pairing" (Using this method can help you avoid procrastination!)
"Men tend to come in because they want to improve a skill, or regain something they've lost"
"Be so SPECIFIC, be clear" (when setting your goals)
"Research shows that we tend to believe what we hear ourselves say, and the way we describe ourselves say, and the way we describe ourselves influences our vies of our identity"
"Other people's actions and habits exert tremendous influence on me, as mine do on them"
"Associate with people who are likely to improve you"