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Writer's pictureLorraine

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Themes: Habits, actions, repetitions, building and breaking habits, long term habits, stopping bad habits
Buy it on Amazon: Atomic Habit by James Clear
More books from the same author: James Clear 

How many times have you heard about building good habits and breaking bad habits? Easy to say, hard in practice. We have been constantly repeated why habits are crucial to your future over and over. But finally, how do you even build sustainable habits that you will stick in the long term?

What did I learn?

  1. I know how important habits are in our lives, but I did not know how to put this into practice. This book helped me to incorporate habits into my daily life

  2. The different techniques to create habits are easy and incredibly efficient

  3. Easy to read and to understand

  4. Life-changing because now I know how habits are formed and how to build sustainable habits

To remember from the book:

1. Building and breaking habits is easy if you understand how the mechanism of habits work

2. The habit framework is: Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward

3. To Build a Habit:

  • Make it Obvious

  • Make it Attractive

  • Make it Easy

  • Make it Satisfying


4. To Break a Habit:

  • Make it Invisible

  • Make it unattractive

  • Make it Difficult

  • Make it Unsatisfying

5. Everything start from the mind:

  • Your reality is the outcome of your thoughts

  • If you want different results to start changing your mind and your identity first, then you could establish and create new plans and systems to achieve a new outcome.

  • Your thought produces actions and your actions create results.

To build a good habit :

1) Make it obvious

  • Pointing and calling (Telling yourself what you are doing helps you to bring awareness)

  • Habit stacking or a chain (Visualizing your 'habit chain' helps you to remind you to keep going and stay motivated to not break your chain/habit)

  • Be specific (It helps you to know exactly what to do)

  • Habit scoreboard (list of habits, see on James Clear pdf documents)

  • Environment (make it obvious the things that you have to do so then it will remind you to do it)

2) Make it attractive

  • Surroundings (The people with who you surround yourself and the environment influence yourself more than what you think)

  • Need before want/priority before you desire (Do what you MUST DO before what YOU WANT to do)

  • Enjoy before difficult (Doing something that YOU ENJOY before something HARD TO DO)

3) Make it easy

  • Frequency (The more often the better)

  • 2 minutes Rule (When starting a habit, your habit MUST NOT take longer than 2 minutes to do every day)

4) Make it satisfying

  • Immediate reward (Reward yourself after doing your daily habit because it increases your likelihood to do it again in the future)

Top quotes:

A genius is not born but is educated and trained
Forget about goals focus on the system instead because Goal fall = Process fall
1% Better each day will change your entire life
Tracking habit is good
Frequency rather than longer
Don’t break the chain twice

Start building new habits!


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